When I get up this morning I can hardly believe what I’m seeing: Snow! The first real now of the season is fluttering about and daring to remain on the ground, too. Accordingly, it’s very cold and I hardly dare stepping outside into the snow. Sometimes, some things are best enjoyed from a distance. Although, when I truly think about it, I absolutely need to investigate whether this is real. Lest someone should have put a snow machine somewhere nearby just to play pretend. No, of course no one has and I’m excited for the shoot in the forest. Snow makes everything serene, silent and also just prettier. Especially in a forest otherwise darkened by the winter.

So, as I’m meeting the two nature-lovers Adriana and Alexis at the Oberschweinstiege I’m glad they’re excited by the snow, too. After all, they are the ones taking off their warm, cozy jackets, scarfs and hats, and I get to keep all of them. But I’m really somewhat impressed at how easily they make it seem. Looking at them, I wouldn’t have thought it to be temperatures around zero. Appearing comfortable and like true pros, they manage to manage the cold and look absolutely cute. Maybe it stems from being from the „North of the South“, although Adriana’s „South of North“ roots seems to be equally effective… However it may be, I’m sure your addition to your family, „coming soon“, will enjoy your walks just as much and I’m wishing you all the best for it.

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